This graph compares the distribution of commute types across regions. Select a commute type in the dropdown menu below to see which regions commute by that method the most!

About the app

This tool is an R Shiny web-app that uses the open-source Leaflet library to render the interactive map. It uses the

Statistics New Zealand 2018 Census Commuter View dataset

to map the journeys of respondents from their place of residence to their place of work.

The regional council boundaries were obtained from the

Statistical Area 2 Higher Geographies 2018 dataset.

The location data were mapped to the regional boundaries by their assignment into Statistical Area 2 (SA2) zones, which are intended to group the population into defined areas that interact together socioeconomically.

The data described above was further processed for use within this tool. The code used to reproduce these data processing steps, as well as the full code for the application, is open source and available on this project's

GitLab repo.